Interested in all things ocean? Check out our blog posts below!
It’s O-Fish-Al - Dads are the best
On both land, and in the ocean we are thankful for great dads! However, when we think of fish in the ocean, fish parental care may not immediately come to mind. But dads play a huge role in taking care of their offspring in the ocean!
SEALed With a Kiss
This Valentine's Day, our Communications Committee members came together to let their favourite ocean animals know just how much they care for them. Read on for some pun-filled entertainment and fun facts!
Guest Post: A Halifax Visit From Vancouver-Based Advisor, Ruby
Read Ruby’s Highlights of her trip to Halifax.
Three Favourite Things About Touch Tanks
Jessica recaps her three favourite things about touch tanks as an ocean education tool.
Guest Post: Urchin’s Wearing Hats!
There’s lots to see while SCUBA diving the North Atlantic coast. In all that diversity, the sea urchins are some of Emily’s favourites – and it’s all about the hats.
Guest Post: Electric Torpedos!
This guest post is brought to you by Dr. Chris Harvey-Clark who is the University Veterinarian as well as the Director of Animal Care in the Department of Psychology at Dalhousie University.
A Visit to the Porter Weir
Magali visited Darren Porter's weir fishing operation located on the mudflats of the Minas Basin, located at the end of the Bay of Fundy